EXP3_Week01_Independent Study

Articles referring to Architecture.
Dearen, J. (2012). The buildings are alive: in biology, designers and architects seek answers | ZDNet. [online] ZDNet. Available at: http://www.zdnet.com/article/the-buildings-are-alive-in-biology-designers-and-architects-seek-answers/ [Accessed 17 May 2016].
Haaretz.com. (2015). At Architecture Biennale, Israeli pavilion looks to the future - Leisure. [online] Available at: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/culture/leisure/.premium-1.718888 [Accessed 17 May 2016].
ArchDaily. (2014). When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung. [online] Available at: http://www.archdaily.com/505016/when-biology-inspires-architecture-an-interview-with-doris-kim-sung [Accessed 17 May 2016].

My theory: The Future of Architecture Design is inspired by Biomimetics. 
As the world's population booms, architects and designers increasingly look to mimic biology to create less polluting, more efficient buildings and cities.
After billions of years of evolution, biological systems have already find the answers to vexing design questions. By Mimicking human skin, building skins with “smart” materials like thermobimetals prevent the mechanical system from overworking and using up huge amounts of unnecessary energy, envelopes can self-shade, self-ventilate, and self-operate. New laboratory research seeks to make actual living materials for use in architecture: bioluminescent bacteria may soon provide lighting, free of electricity from the grid; the new coating could be painted on buildings, growing a shell that could eat greenhouse gas pollutants and strengthening buildings. Even that we want to renovate and revive a structure, instead of peeling the paint and painting, we’ll be able to let the fungi spread over the façade and to get a whitened structure. No longer will we expect walls to be sealed, floors to be hard and buildings to be static. Buildings will be more like organisms, building will be alive, which we can have relationships with.
At the start of biological era, we’re trying to create a conversation between the two worlds of biology and architecture. All of this work is evolving at a quick pace, pushing architects, biologists and other scientists to rethink how are cities and buildings mesh with the natural world. Now, using technological innovation coupled with inspiration from the biological processes of nature, these dreams are becoming a reality.

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